MedienDesign Birgit Rödder
Declaration according to § 5 TMG:
Mediendesign Birgit Rödder, sole proprietorship
Mailing address:
Birgit Rödder
Am Wusthahn 7
57537 Forst-Dellingen
Landline number: +49-2257-952744
Mobile: +49-160-1264412
E-mail: br[at]
Represented by:
Birgit Rödder
Copyright information:
Salamandra-article: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V.
Odonatologica and Notulae odonatologicae: Osmylus
International Journal of Odonatology: Dr. Reinhard Jödicke and John Abbott
Libellula: Dr. Reinhard Jödicke
For journalistic-editorial content responsible is:
Birgit Rödder
The legal notice is created by Impressums-Generator der activeMind AG